"Musicology is a proud sponsor of DanceSport Education, which takes the gift of music and ballroom dancing into underserved schools in our community. Through hard work and commitment, children as young as 4 years old learn coordination, discipline, social skills, confidence and self-esteem...all through the joy of dancing. THIS gives us something to sing about!"
Mary Goodman, Owner
DanceSport Education™ is a not-for-profit is a 501 (c) (3) organization, which promotes excellence in education through highest quality co- and extracurricular activities. We impact the lives of children and youth through ballroom dance education - we build a strong foundation for lifelong skills. We also exist to reach out, create, develop and support talent. Dancesport Education seeks to provide the best opportunities and outreach to children and youth and develop them as skilled and achieving DanceSport athletes. We, at DanceSport Education are pioneering this effort in Arizona and the U.S.
However, this can be achieved with substantial philanthropic effort in two major areas: (1) increase outreach and alleviate barriers for access, as well as (2) break down any financial barriers that stand in the way of dancesport competitor progress and success.
Provide Financial Support to Increase Outreach and Access:
With the current trends of diminishing public funding for sports and arts programs, and the inability of many parents to privately afford those, especially in low-income, at risk school communities, children and youth remain negatively impacted and are deprived of participating and experiencing the benefits of those opportunities. This also includes the students, who are homeschooled, or study in distance learning programs, as well as those with special needs, for whom we will provide a venue, so that they have access and opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. Sadly, the talent of many children remains unnoticed and unrealized.
Provide Financial Support to Develop Competitive Athletic Talent:
As a sport, DanceSport is a relatively new sport in the U.S. and dancesport athletes do not receive the financial underwriting of those in other established sports. We are dedicated to the success of the DanceSport athletes. We want them to continue to learn, grow and develop competitively and remove any financial barriers that might stand in their way to get noticed, realize their talent and succeed at the top.
DanceSport Education provides donors an opportunity to increase outreach and access of the program to otherwise severely underserved student communities; to help shape a generation of healthy and thriving children and youth; and to underwrite the creation of achieving, top level US athletes.
Experience the Benefits of DanceSport: More Than Just a Dance:
Ultimately, the practice of DanceSport creates a lasting, life-time impact in the lives of children and youth in several major areas:
Improved School Culture and Student Achievement:
DanceSport is more than just a dance. It is unique, as it combines the elements of both arts and sports. The benefits of arts education and participation in sports on the entire school culture are impressive—especially student motivation, attitudes, and attendance. Increased access and involvement in arts education and sports programs encourage students to stay in school, succeed in school, life, and work.
Personal Fulfillment:
DanceSport helps children and youth to fulfill their dreams to express themselves artistically through movement and ballroom dance. It allows them to get noticed and realize their talent as top DanceSport athletes locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, proudly representing the U.S in the world DanceSport arena.
Life, Health, Fitness and Safety:
Ballroom dance is a Lifestyle Medicine, a natural antidote to the 21st century chronic diseases – high blood pressure, cardiac diseases and diabetes. By its nature, it provides a natural venue for healthy lifestyle beginnings. DanceSport combines the art of dance with the composure of athletics. DanceSport develops physical strength, agility, coordination, stamina, endurance and fitness. Its practice has an anti-bullying effect - it promotes discipline, respect to others and teamwork.
Emotional Balance:
DanceSport practice contributes to positive psychological benefits and elevated self-esteem. Movement and dance improves the emotional well being of all children and youth, especially those, with cognitive and emotional challenges in dealing with conflict resolution and violence.
Competitive Edge for Competitive Athletes:
DanceSport cross training gives competitive edge to other competitive athletes through improved balance, strength, improved awareness of physical presence, improved spacial relationships, breathing, footwork, agility, endurance and improved emotional well being.